Frequently Asked Questions

Questions Answered

In my classes, we go beyond just learning recipes. We focus on the essential skills, techniques, and patterns to achieve successful results. I guide you in viewing recipes differently, identifying the required techniques, understanding cooking patterns and ingredients, and building flavors. This knowledge can be applied to various dishes and will enhance your overall culinary skills. You'll learn the reasons behind successful and unsuccessful outcomes, providing a deeper understanding of this craft we call cooking.

While many recreational classes emphasize demonstrations and socializing in large groups, true learning arises from hands-on experience with dedicated instructor attention. In my small group (or one-on-one) classes, you receive undivided guidance throughout the entire process. Some aspects of cooking, such as seasoning, doneness testing, and intuitive understanding, are only learned through hands-on practice. Learning to cook in a familiar kitchen is crucial for comfort and efficiency. Using your own heat sources, along with your pots and pans ensures you'll be more familiar when you go to practice. Cooking in your kitchen minimizes time spent searching for tools and ingredients in foreign settings, enabling you to concentrate on the new technique(s) at hand.

Not all chefs excel at teaching. While many possess extensive knowledge, effectively conveying it is another skill altogether. Some may take their expertise for granted and assume too much or skip over crucial details, as breaking down complex techniques can be challenging. While someone may excel as a cook, explaining and sharing important details to accelerate YOUR learning requires a different skill set. My education, along with my experience developing an online professional cooking curriculum compelled me to break down techniques systematically, fostering a methodical approach to convey essential messages. This experience, combined with in-person teaching, equips me to share logical, bite-sized information, identify patterns, and teach proper techniques, enabling you to enhance your culinary skills.

Leave any stresses and hassles to me with my full-service classes/events. I shop, prep, and arrive at your door. My classes are perfect for learning while hosting unique and fun events with friends and/or family. Learn, cook and eat delicious food - all in the comfort of your own home.

Technique classes offer a transformative approach to cooking, placing emphasis on learning fundamental skills that serve as the building blocks of good cooking. By learning how to execute a specific technique, you'll unlock a new world of culinary possibilities, as each technique learned becomes a versatile tool in your culinary toolbox, adaptable to a myriad of dishes and flavor profiles. This is how chef's learn. They don't learn one soup "recipe" and freeze when they need to make a different one... they learn the technique of building soups so when they want to make a creamy soup with a vegetable they see at the market, they know exactly what to do. They know the proper sequence, how to build flavor, how to adjust the texture, and how to keep colors vibrant. So gone are the days of rigidly following recipes (most recipes have horrible, inaccurate instructions that set a cook up for failure anyway); instead, you'll approach cooking with a newfound confidence, relying on your honed skills to innovate and create dishes that reflect your unique culinary vision. You'll get the hang of searching for recipes for flavor inspiration - NOT for step-by-step instructions. With your new found skills, you'll be empowered to practice cooking both familiar and new dishes with success.

Cuisine classes offer an exciting journey into a specific cuisine, inviting you to explore and gain a deeper understanding of its unique flavors, ingredients, techniques, and traditions. Perhaps you have always wanted to learn how to make a fantastic Pad Thai, but have been daunted by the unfamiliar ingredients and techniques required to make a successful dish. Each dish crafted will expand your culinary repertoire. We'll identify the techniques through these menus that you'll be able to keep in mind and apply to other dishes you create. Ignite your passion for culinary exploration by either trying a cuisine you've never experienced or improving your skills in one you already love.

My classes offer affordable rates for personalized chef instruction in your cozy setting. Traditional cooking classes are held with unfamiliar people and kitchens, limited instructor assistance, and your own commute. In contrast, my classes take place in the comfort of your own home, where you can host an entertaining and educational event with friends or family (or through one-on-one sessions). Students can learn without fear of judgment, correct mistakes together, and receive undivided attention. Familiarity with your kitchen and heat sources helps ensure a seamless learning experience. Prices posted are for a minimum of two people. The more people join, the more the price per person is reduced - please contact me for rates.

Considering the high costs of dining out, investing in cooking skills proves economically wise. A single casual restaurant meal easily surpasses $30 these days, while learning to cook pays dividends throughout your life. After learning cooking skills, you will become choosy about where to spend your dining dollars. By mastering dishes like a perfect pan-fried steak with a sexy sauce or an elegant fresh pasta dish, this will translate into significant long-term savings. Groceries are also pricey, making it essential to hone your cooking skills to avoid costly and wasteful mistakes, especially when working with premium ingredients. You might even shy away from splurging on good ingredients because you're unsure how to use them. On the other hand, if you don't know what to do with cheaper cuts of meat and are lost at the meat counter, for example, you're missing out on a vast amount of savings there too.

The items listed below are included in the price of each class:
  • the ingredients to cook the established course/menu (see note below)
  • any relevant tools and equipment you do not have in your own kitchen I will bring to use
  • up to 30 minutes of my time prior to the class to set-up
  • the class duration (includes demonstration, instruction, hands-on cooking, and eating time)
  • up to 30 minutes of my time to pack-up and help assist you with clean-up at the end
  • my transportation, provided you are located in my core service area (extra charge if you are located outside the core area)
  • relevant written recipes

Note: The published price of a class may be subject to change based on specific requests/substitutions, or if the cost of groceries increases substantially. We will determine this prior to booking.

Kitchen towels/aprons

Please have at least 1-2 clean kitchen towels per person available, as well as one apron per person (or simply instruct everyone to wear an older top they don’t mind possibly getting dirty).

Are any beverages or alcoholic drinks included?

No. All beverages and/or wine/alcohol would be provided by you, if so desired. I can suggest in advance of class wine varietals that would pair well with the menu we will be cooking. Being able to have a couple of drinks and not worry about driving is another reason and bonus to host a cooking class at home! Please drink responsibly.

Is GST included?

No, 5% GST will be added to the price of the class.

All private cooking classes will be held in your home kitchen. The current class price includes my travel cost, provided you are located within my core service area.

Up to 30 minutes of travel from Blind Bay, BC is included with each class. This covers Blind Bay, Sorrento, Chase, and many areas near Scotch Creek, Eagle Bay, White Lake, Tappen, and Salmon Arm. To calculate if you are in my core area, please type the address you wish to hold the class at on Google Maps to estimate the travel time from Blind Bay, BC. If your kitchen location exceeds a 30-minute drive, please contact me to calculate the cost for my additional travel time.

If you have a properly working stove/oven, refrigerator/freezer, and counter top or table space, your kitchen is good enough to cook in. One of the benefits of learning to cook in your kitchen is learning how to use YOUR stove/oven and equipment and how to make proper adjustments. When people attend cooking schools that have all fancy and shiny, new equipment, they are often intimidated to use their own equipment at home and doubt can set in. It’s great to learn how to use what you have got… and often there is no need to go out and buy a lot of unnecessary and expensive kitchen equipment. Much of good cooking lies in learning proper techniques and knowing how to make adjustments. I will teach you this!

There should be enough space in your kitchen area to set up one full-size cutting board per person (including me). Each student should have a comfortable view and a bit of individual work space. In addition, some clear counter space for ingredients and equipment will also be required (or at the very least a side table to place items on).

Please ensure that your kitchen is clean, counter tops are clear, and any dishes in the sink/dishwasher are put away in advance of my arrival. Please have 1-2 clean kitchen towels available per participant. Upon booking, we will discuss how much room may need to be cleared in your refrigerator or freezer based on the class you enroll in. I will arrive 30 minutes before the class is scheduled to start to set up. Please have other household members who are not signed up for the class (and pets) refrain from being in the kitchen during class to ensure the most focused learning experience. They are welcome to sample your cooking after the class is finished.

Based on the class you enroll in, we will determine which tools, pots/pans are required. If you do not have these items in your kitchen, I will bring them with me to use during class.

No. I will shop for and bring all the necessary ingredients required for the number of people booked for the class. Sit back, relax, and leave the planning to me.

Depending on the class enrolled in, some demonstration may be included or you may be doing most of the cooking. Remember, private cooking classes are designed to provide participants with the most hands-on learning experience, ensuring they feel comfortable replicating the techniques once I leave. The whole point is to empower YOU to cook more. Based on the class, we will cook and eat as things are made or eat together once we are finished cooking - whatever makes the most sense.

At the end of the class, I will stay for up to 30 minutes to both pack up my equipment and then assist you with cleanup.

Yes, of course! After we have sampled your cooking, if there are any leftovers, they will stay with you for you to enjoy.

To book a class, contact me with the following information:

  1. Your name and phone number.
  2. The class(es) you are interested in booking.
  3. The requested date/time you wish to have your class scheduled.
  4. The number of participants.
  5. Any special dietary requests. We will discuss what can/cannot be accommodated based on the type of class booked.
  6. Your address/location and if travel outside the core service area is required.

Once received, I will contact you to confirm the details. Once all of the information has been obtained and the class is booked, you will be invoiced for the full amount.

Because shopping and proper preparations need to be made, additional guests can be added to an already scheduled class, BUT as a general rule, their enrollment and full payment must take place at least 7 days prior (please contact me). To keep in line with focused cooking instruction, and to provide the most hands-on learning experience for each participant, I try to limit my classes to a maximum of 4-6 people. If you have a really big kitchen and the space to accommodate more people, please contact me to discuss options.

50% of the class cost must be paid at the time of booking via Interac e-Transfer. The remaining balance must be paid 7 days prior to the class in the same manner.

The first 50% deposit that is paid at the time of booking is non-refundable. This secures your date for your cooking class and blocks my calendar to accept any other requests/bookings. The second 50% (the balance due) is refundable for cancellations made more than 72 hours prior to the scheduled class. Cancellations made less than 72 hours prior to the scheduled class are non-refundable, but not entirely lost. By paying a $100 re-booking fee, you can re-instate your cooking class, providing it is completed within 3 months of the cancelled date.

I will work to customize a class or series of classes that support exactly what you want to learn. Depending on the request, an additional charge for this service may apply. Simply contact me for details.

Yes, on occasion, people may want to host events for friends and family that focus on a particular cuisine and are more demo-based than all hands on deck. They prefer to leave most of the cooking to me, so they can sit back, watch, learn and ask questions, while eating delicious food along the way. I will work together with you to establish a doable menu for your group and kitchen size. Just contact me.

Everything you see on this site, I have personally cooked and taken my own photos.