Lakeside Culinary

Learn to cook in the beautiful Shuswaps


Yes, the original paella was cooked over an open flame fueled by olive branches and featured ingredients such as rabbit and snails. Just as there are variations of paella across Spain, there are modern adaptations of this historic rice dish — and that's OK. The main concept of paella, however, remains true: the focus of the dish is on the rice and creating that coveted socarrat. I'll walk you through the essential steps to craft delicious paella that transports you as close to Spain as possible. You'll also learn how to use various vegetables and proteins, empowering you to build your own flavorful and exquisite paella-style dishes.


Explore the flavors of Armenia through this unique cooking class dedicated to the art of crafting manti, a beloved meat-filled crunchy pasta dish. You will learn how to create perfect pasta dough from scratch, expertly fill each bundle with a delectable mixture of seasoned beef, and cook it to perfection to a achieve a crispy exterior and succulent interior. Each bite is a symphony of textures and flavors. Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your culinary skills and impress your friends and family with your newfound expertise in the art of making this particular verison of manti.

Pad Thai

Think of Thailand and Pad Thai automatically comes to mind. Sadly, it's quite difficult to find a decent pad Thai in restaurants outside of Thailand. They are often too sweet, gluey, or soggy and drenched in too much sauce. Worse yet, some contain ketchup! Making great Pad Thai at home is actually not that difficult once you get everything set up. The first step is learning about authentic ingredients, some of which may be foreign to you. Learning and practicing how to properly cook and balance the flavors for this mouth watering dish will be the key to your success!


Chilaquiles are corn tortillas on steroids. Once you try this incredible Mexican breakfast dish, you cannot erase it from your memory. The texture combination of the crunchy tortillas, the softness of the delicious salsa and the gooey egg yolk creates a plate of pure heaven. Here you'll learn how to make both a red and green salsa from scratch, as well as some homemade corn tortillas and refried beans... all of which can be integrated into your other Mexican meals. Once you learn how to bring this dish together, my bet is that it won't be a meal you'll be serving just for breakfast.