Lakeside Culinary

Learn to cook in the beautiful Shuswaps

Pad See Ew

Translated from Thai, Guay Tiew Pad See Ew, is the full name for Stir-Fried Noodles with Soy Sauce (aka Pad See Ew for short). It is one of the most sensational dishes you can enjoy street side or in restaurants all over Thailand. In this class, you'll learn about the Thai ingredients needed to make this wonderful dish and how to craft your very own fresh rice noodles. You'll learn how to stir-fry Pad See Ew to perfection to obtain that coveted smoky flavor. Whether your palate is craving pork, chicken, or another protein, Pad See Ew is sure to become one of your favorite dishes to make.

Pad Thai

Think of Thailand and Pad Thai automatically comes to mind. Sadly, it's quite difficult to find a decent pad Thai in restaurants outside of Thailand. They are often too sweet, gluey, or soggy and drenched in too much sauce. Worse yet, some contain ketchup! Making great Pad Thai at home is actually not that difficult once you get everything set up. The first step is learning about authentic ingredients, some of which may be foreign to you. Learning and practicing how to properly cook and balance the flavors for this mouth watering dish will be the key to your success!